

TorchUncertainty is centered around uncertainty-aware training and evaluation routines. These routines make it very easy to:

  • train ensembles-like methods (Deep Ensembles, Packed-Ensembles, MIMO, Masksembles, etc)

  • compute and monitor uncertainty metrics: calibration, out-of-distribution detection, proper scores, grouping loss, etc.

  • leverage calibration methods automatically during evaluation

Yet, we take account that their will be as many different uses of TorchUncertainty as there are of users. This page provides ideas on how to benefit from TorchUncertainty at all levels: from ready-to-train lightning-based models to using only specific PyTorch layers.

TorchUncertainty structure

Structure of TorchUncertainty

Training with TorchUncertainty’s Uncertainty-aware Routines

TorchUncertainty provides a set of Ligthning training and evaluation routines that wrap PyTorch models. Let’s have a look at the Classification routine and its parameters.

from lightning.pytorch import LightningModule

class ClassificationRoutine(LightningModule):
        def __init__(
                model: nn.Module,
                num_classes: int,
                loss: nn.Module,
                num_estimators: int = 1,
                format_batch_fn: nn.Module | None = None,
                optim_recipe: dict | Optimizer | None = None,
                # ...
                eval_ood: bool = False,
                eval_grouping_loss: bool = False,
                ood_criterion: Literal[
                        "msp", "logit", "energy", "entropy", "mi", "vr"
                ] = "msp",
                log_plots: bool = False,
                save_in_csv: bool = False,
                calibration_set: Literal["val", "test"] | None = None,
        ) -> None:

Building your First Routine

This routine is a wrapper of any custom or TorchUncertainty classification model. To use it, just build your model and pass it to the routine as argument along with an optimization recipe and the loss as well as the number of classes that we use for torch metrics.

from torch import nn, optim

model = MyModel(num_classes=10)
routine = ClassificationRoutine(
  optim_recipe=optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=1e-3),

Training with the Routine

To train with this routine, you will first need to create a lightning Trainer and have either a lightning datamodule or PyTorch dataloaders. When benchmarking models, we advise to use lightning datamodules that will automatically handle train/val/test splits, out-of-distribution detection and dataset shift. For this example, let us use TorchUncertainty’s CIFAR10 datamodule. Please keep in mind that you could use your own datamodule or dataloaders.

from torch_uncertainty.datamodules import CIFAR10DataModule
from pytorch_lightning import Trainer

dm = CIFAR10DataModule(root="data", batch_size=32)
trainer = Trainer(gpus=1, max_epochs=100), dm)
trainer.test(routine, dm)

Here it is, you have trained your first model with TorchUncertainty! As a result, you will get access to various metrics measuring the ability of your model to handle uncertainty.

More metrics

With TorchUncertainty datamodules, you can easily test models on out-of-distribution datasets, by setting the eval_ood parameter to True. You can also evaluate the grouping loss by setting eval_grouping_loss to True. Finally, you can calibrate your model using the calibration_set parameter. In this case, you will get metrics for but the uncalibrated and calibrated models: the metrics corresponding to the temperature scaled model will begin with ts_.

Using the Lightning CLI tool


The library leverages the Lightning CLI tool to provide a simple way to train models and evaluate them, while insuring reproducibility via configuration files. Under the experiment folder, you will find scripts for the three application tasks covered by the library: classification, regression and segmentation. Take the most out of the CLI by checking our CLI Guide.


In particular, the experiments/classification folder contains scripts to reproduce the experiments covered in the paper: Packed-Ensembles for Efficient Uncertainty Estimation, O. Laurent & A. Lafage, et al., in ICLR 2023.


Training a model with the Lightning CLI tool is as simple as running the following command:

# in torch-uncertainty/experiments/classification/cifar10
python fit --config configs/resnet18/standard.yaml

Which trains a classic ResNet18 model on CIFAR10 with the settings used in the Packed-Ensembles paper.

Using the PyTorch-based models


If you prefer classic PyTorch pipelines, we provide PyTorch Modules that do not require Lightning.

  1. Check the API reference under the Models section to ensure the architecture of your choice is supported by the library.

  2. Create a torch.nn.Module in your training/testing script using one of the provided building functions listed in the API reference.


You can initialize a Packed-Ensemble out of a ResNet18 backbone with the following code:

from torch_uncertainty.models.resnet import packed_resnet18

model = packed_resnet18(
    in_channels = 3,
    num_estimators = 4,
    alpha = 2,
    gamma = 2,
    num_classes = 10,

Using the PyTorch-based layers


It is likely that your desired architecture is not supported by our library. In that case, you might be interested in directly using the actual layers.

  1. Check the API reference for specific layers of your choosing.

  2. Import the layers and use them as you would for any standard PyTorch layer.

If you think that your architecture should be added to the package, raise an issue on the GitHub repository!


Do not hesitate to go to the API Reference to get better explanations on the layer usage.


You can create a Packed-Ensemble torch.nn.Module model with the following code:

from einops import rearrange
from torch_uncertainty.layers import PackedConv2d, PackedLinear

class PackedNet(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self) -> None:
        M = 4
        alpha = 2
        gamma = 1
        self.conv1 = PackedConv2d(3, 6, 5, alpha=alpha, num_estimators=M, gamma=gamma, first=True)
        self.pool = nn.MaxPool2d(2, 2)
        self.conv2 = PackedConv2d(6, 16, 5, alpha=alpha, num_estimators=M, gamma=gamma)
        self.fc1 = PackedLinear(16 * 5 * 5, 120, alpha=alpha, num_estimators=M, gamma=gamma)
        self.fc2 = PackedLinear(120, 84, alpha=alpha, num_estimators=M, gamma=gamma)
        self.fc3 = PackedLinear(84, 10, alpha=alpha, num_estimators=M, gamma=gamma, last=True)

        self.num_estimators = M

    def forward(self, x):
        x = self.pool(F.relu(self.conv1(x)))
        x = self.pool(F.relu(self.conv2(x)))
        x = rearrange(
            x, "e (m c) h w -> (m e) c h w", m=self.num_estimators
        x = x.flatten(1)
        x = F.relu(self.fc1(x))
        x = F.relu(self.fc2(x))
        x = self.fc3(x)
        return x

packed_net = PackedNet()

Other usage

Feel free to use any classes described in the API reference such as the metrics, datasets, etc.