
Source code for torch_uncertainty.post_processing.mc_batch_norm

from copy import deepcopy
from typing import Literal

import torch
from torch import Tensor, nn
from import DataLoader, Dataset

from torch_uncertainty.layers.mc_batch_norm import MCBatchNorm2d
from torch_uncertainty.post_processing import PostProcessing

[docs]class MCBatchNorm(PostProcessing): counter: int = 0 mc_batch_norm_layers: list[MCBatchNorm2d] = [] trained = False def __init__( self, model: nn.Module | None = None, num_estimators: int = 16, convert: bool = True, mc_batch_size: int = 32, device: Literal["cpu", "cuda"] | torch.device | None = None, ) -> None: """Monte Carlo Batch Normalization wrapper. Args: model (nn.Module): model to be converted. num_estimators (int): number of estimators. convert (bool): whether to convert the model. mc_batch_size (int, optional): Monte Carlo batch size. Defaults to 32. device (Literal["cpu", "cuda"] | torch.device | None, optional): device. Defaults to None. Note: This wrapper will be stochastic in eval mode only. Reference: Teye M, Azizpour H, Smith K. Bayesian uncertainty estimation for batch normalized deep networks. In ICML 2018. """ super().__init__() self.mc_batch_size = mc_batch_size self.convert = convert self.num_estimators = num_estimators self.device = device if model is not None: self._setup_model(model) def _setup_model(self, model): _mcbn_checks(model, self.num_estimators, self.mc_batch_size, self.convert) self.model = deepcopy(model) # Is it necessary? self.model = self.model.eval() if self.convert: self._convert() if not has_mcbn(self.model): raise ValueError("model does not contain any MCBatchNorm2d after conversion.") def set_model(self, model: nn.Module) -> None: self.model = model self._setup_model(model)
[docs] def fit(self, dataset: Dataset) -> None: """Fit the model on the dataset. Args: dataset (Dataset): dataset to be used for fitting. Note: This method is used to populate the MC BatchNorm layers. Use the training dataset. """ self.dl = DataLoader(dataset, batch_size=self.mc_batch_size, shuffle=True) self.counter = 0 self.reset_counters() self.set_accumulate(True) self.eval() for x, _ in self.dl: self.model( self.raise_counters() if self.counter == self.num_estimators: self.set_accumulate(False) self.trained = True return raise ValueError("The dataset is too small to populate the MC BatchNorm statistics.")
def _est_forward(self, x: Tensor) -> Tensor: """Forward pass of a single estimator.""" logit = self.model(x) self.raise_counters() return logit def forward( self, x: Tensor, ) -> Tensor: if return self.model(x) if not self.trained: raise RuntimeError("MCBatchNorm has not been trained. Call .fit() first.") self.reset_counters() return[self._est_forward(x) for _ in range(self.num_estimators)], dim=0) def _convert(self) -> None: """Convert all BatchNorm2d layers to MCBatchNorm2d layers.""" self.replace_layers(self.model)
[docs] def reset_counters(self) -> None: """Reset all counters to 0.""" self.counter = 0 for layer in self.mc_batch_norm_layers: layer.set_counter(0)
[docs] def raise_counters(self) -> None: """Raise all counters by 1.""" self.counter += 1 for layer in self.mc_batch_norm_layers: layer.set_counter(self.counter)
[docs] def set_accumulate(self, accumulate: bool) -> None: """Set the accumulate flag for all MCBatchNorm2d layers. Args: accumulate (bool): accumulate flag. """ for layer in self.mc_batch_norm_layers: layer.accumulate = accumulate
[docs] def replace_layers(self, model: nn.Module) -> None: """Replace all BatchNorm2d layers with MCBatchNorm2d layers. Args: model (nn.Module): model to be converted. """ for name, module in model.named_children(): if len(list(module.children())) > 0: self.replace_layers(module) if isinstance(module, nn.BatchNorm2d): mc_layer = MCBatchNorm2d( num_features=module.num_features, num_estimators=self.num_estimators, eps=module.eps, momentum=module.momentum, affine=module.affine, track_running_stats=module.track_running_stats, device=module.weight.device, dtype=module.weight.dtype, ) = mc_layer.weight = module.weight mc_layer.bias = module.bias setattr(model, name, mc_layer) # Save pointers to the MC BatchNorm layers self.mc_batch_norm_layers.append(mc_layer)
def has_mcbn(model: nn.Module) -> bool: """Check if the model contains any MCBatchNorm2d layers.""" return any(isinstance(module, MCBatchNorm2d) for module in model.modules()) def _mcbn_checks(model, num_estimators, mc_batch_size, convert): if num_estimators < 1 or not isinstance(num_estimators, int): raise ValueError(f"num_estimators must be a positive integer, got {num_estimators}.") if mc_batch_size < 1 or not isinstance(mc_batch_size, int): raise ValueError(f"mc_batch_size must be a positive integer, got {mc_batch_size}.") if not convert and not has_mcbn(model): raise ValueError("model does not contain any MCBatchNorm2d nor is not to be " "converted.")