- class torch_uncertainty.layers.distributions.NormalConvNd(base_layer, event_dim, min_scale=1e-06, **layer_args)[source]¶
Normal Distribution Convolutional Density Layer.
- Parameters:
in_channels (int) – The number of input channels.
out_channels (int) – The number of event channels.
kernel_size (int | tuple[int]) – The size of the convolutional kernel.
stride (int | tuple[int]) – The stride of the convolution.
padding (int | tuple[int]) – The padding of the convolution.
dilation (int | tuple[int]) – The dilation of the convolution.
groups (int) – The number of groups in the convolution.
min_scale (float) – The minimal value of the scale parameter.
device (torch.device) – The device where the layer is stored.
dtype (torch.dtype) – The datatype of the layer.
- Shape:
Input: \((N, C_{in}, \ast)\) where \(\ast\) means any number of dimensions and \(C_{in} = \text{in_channels}\) and \(N\) is the batch size.
Output: A dict with the following keys
: The mean of the Normal distribution of shape \((N, C_{out}, \ast)\) where \(C_{out} = \text{out_channels}\)."scale"
: The standard deviation of the Normal distribution of shape \((\ast, C_{out}, \ast)\).